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I’m Jon Guymon. It occured to me recently that I spend an inordinate amount of time counting. Partly this is because of my job, partly my various hobbies, but more than anything, the human condition.

  • Work
    • I work for an observability company, New Relic.
  • Hobbies
    • Many of my past times are numerate in one way or another.
    • Games
      • Mostly of the video- board- and role-playing- varieties. The tracking of points, score, stats can get pretty intense.
    • Bodybuilding
      • I’m an amateur bodybuilder. Success in bodybuilding depends on two main activities.
        • Lifting: reps, sets, weight, periodicity, timing, tons of things to measure and obsess over.
        • Diet: Calories, macros, timing, body weight, body composition, even more to obsess over - not always in a healthy way.
    • Electronic Music
      • The link between music and math is well known.
    • Coding
      • I code for work, though much less than I used to. I mostly write documents and attend meetings now. I still enjoy coding, though, and look for ways to engage with code outside of work - like with this blog here.
  • Life
    • The passage of time, the accumulation of money, are you getting enough sleep? are you drinking enough water? is your cholesterol in a healthy range? how many hours are your kids spending on their screens? how many posts have you made this week? how many likes did they get? Are you monetized yet?